Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Secure Olarga Do While Menstruation

Most women are usually advised not to do strenuous exercise during menstruation. But, actually, the sport could also be beneficial for women experiencing menses. This is because exercise can improve the blood circulation, reduce bloating and also helps in reducing menstrual cramps. Here are some exercise safely done when menstruation.

1. Jogging

If you experience stomach bloating, you can do a leisurely jog in the morning or afternoon. But it's very important to keep in mind, you should not suppress your body. Sports time menstruation can increase blood circulation and pump up the body's metabolism.
Read Also : Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan

2. Abdominal Exercise

Do abdominal exercise during menstrual period is a great way to loosen up the muscles of the abdomen. You might think that doing crunches would be counterproductive, but it might actually be You soothe the pain you are feeling due to menstrual cramps.

3. Aerobic

Aerobic exercise is physical exercise that helps you remove sweat during menstruation. Doing aerobics for half an hour every day also helps the body stay in shape and do not easily hurt.

4. Walk away

Take a walk around your House will make the body become fresh again. This could also be the best way to cope with menstrual cramps.

Here's some gentle exercise that you can do while menstruating. Hopefully helpful